Q&A With Nancy – Are you BEING and DOING everything?

Q: You mentioned on a recent call how to take note of how often we say “Oh, I can’t afford that” or “wouldn’t that be nice,” etc. to get an idea of our own financial blueprint. Aside from “buying that expensive cheese”…what other strategies did you use to change our blueprint? Does this come back to a low deserve level? How do you fix that and raise the bar? Will nothing else change until that does? ~ Cheryl Bower

A: Hi Cheryl. To answer your core question “will nothing change until that does (low deserve level or blueprint)” – yes and no. Remember when we said that you can initiate change two ways – internally and externally? Well internal change (subconscious) takes longer but is more permanent. While external change (actions & behaviors) can be immediate but are not typically sustainable without the internal shift taking place.

So while you’re trying to change your financial blueprint – make sure you are working on both. Mantras and affirmations are great – they start the subconscious reprogramming. But your actions also have to be in alignment with what you say you want or deserve.

If you’re saying “money comes easily and frequently from expected and unexpected sources” every day but you’re not getting off the couch and making the phone calls you need to make – I guarantee you won’t get the results you want – just more frustration.

It’s time to be honest with yourself. Are you BEING and DOING everything you need to in order to HAVE the production you want? Only you can answer this.

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