Q&A With Nancy – The concept of projection

Q: I always struggle with levels of inventory to suggest new consultants to start with. I want to do what is best for them and their family, but after 20 years in the business, if they don’t have adequate inventory, they don’t have a commitment. But there is so much fear of debt out there, any suggestions?? ~ Colleen Hendrickson

A: This is a question we get quite often. And I think the answer is actually in your question but let me explain a concept first. The concept of projection. The fact is, we often project onto others our beliefs, attitudes and experiences – good or bad. So typically how we got started in business, we assume others are likely to start the same way.

So if you came into the business with a large inventory order but didn’t sell it, or went into significant debt to get started, you will assume others will do the same – and naturally would be reluctant to advise they do the same thing.

However, in your question you state that after 20 years in business you’ve seen that if someone doesn’t have an adequate order (however you define it), they lack commitment. So that is your experience. As long as you’re coming from that place – you are in integrity with the amount you recommend.

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