5 Ways To Not Get Bogged Down..

Where do I start? When cash flow is tight and every part of your business needs work, it’s a little overwhelming. Right? Yes, it is important to keep all the balls juggling in your business. But it also makes sense to focus on the ONE thing that makes everything else flow and that is…SHARING! (Thought I was going to say “selling”, didn’t you? 😉
When you are sharing the benefits and solutions you have for people, that is where you truly make the largest difference. So why is it so often the last thing on our list??

Because we do what we know. We know how to organize our office, order inventory, create a newsletter, or email customers. Our mind always pulls us back to what’s comfortable and easy. Here are a few simple instructions to get the right things done.

1. SHARE FIRST. Create structure and systems second. I know this feels backwards. But what is the point of spending time creating systems to run your business when you do not yet have a team? Yes, you do need some basic structure in place for your business but nowhere near what you think you need. When you start growing your team – then the way to create structure and systems will appear. 

2. FOCUS ON PEOPLE if you’re looking for cash flow. There is a lot we could be doing at any moment in our business (tweaking our websites, marketing through social media, etc). BUT if you need to increase your income quickly, ONLY focus on the activities that will have direct results in income. (Booking appointments, calling customers for re-orders, lead events, etc.)

3. DO NOT GO IT ALONE. Get help or support. If you are wondering why you are not making enough or have enough clients yet and you are doing everything yourself, that is one big AHA! Outsource some of the day-to-day administrative tasks to a virtual assistant. Delegate the details and distractions that keep you from making money!

4. STOP, BREATHE & BELIEVE. We usually get fixated on the details of our business because it’s easier than marketing and selling. When you cannot seem to get out of the planning and preparation process (getting ready to get ready), stop, take a deep breath and ask yourself “What am I avoiding? What is the fear?” Then check in with a friend, coach or Director to bust through that belief.

5. HELP MORE PEOPLE. The perfect product, packaging or process does not help more people. It is important to make your products and offerings professional, but these details are not what change people’s lives. The moment they invest in themselves is when your client begins to change. Arrange everything you do around creating more of those moments.

Go out and make a difference through reaching women every day. It will help more people and make you more money. And in business, that is the only detail that matters!

*This article’s content was inspired by Suzanne Evans of www.helpmorepeople.com.

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