12 Books That Have Changed My Life

Last week, I shared with you something that really bothered me…but promised to rectify the temporary negativity with something positive this week!
So the article this week is 12 books that have changed my life – in no particular order!

COMMUNICATION: Crucial Conversations by Kerry Patterson. This was the first book that drove home that there was an Event and then there was my Story about the Event. It made me realize that we communicate primarily from our Stories of what’s happened, not necessarily the facts – but so does everyone else. Hence why communication with others is so tricky! CLOSE SECOND: Influence – The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert Cialdini.

SELF-DEVELOPMENT: Handbook to Higher Consciousness by Ken Keyes, Jr. The first time I picked up this book, I read a few pages and put it back on the shelf. The second time I picked up the book, I read a few pages and couldn’t put it down. Books resonate with you when you are ready for them. This book is just one of many that has taught me that if something bugs me, it’s about me. CLOSE SECOND: The Dark Side of the Light Chasers by Debbie Ford 
RELATIONSHIPS: Loving What Is by Byron Katie. This booked essentially saved my current relationship. I was just getting into the habit of blaming everything on Chris – why couldn’t he be more like this, why did he always have to do that? I read the entire book one afternoon in my car, went home and told Chris I was sorry for everything I was trying to pin on him and that “honey, you’ve got to read this book!” 😉 CLOSE SECOND: Getting The Love You Want by Harville Hendrix 
FINANCIAL SUCCESS: Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker. This book was like a wake-up call when I was on the verge of bankruptcy! It explained exactly why finances were such a challenge for me – even though I was a very smart, creative, hard working person!! It taught me about my inherited “financial blueprint” and what I would have to do to change it. CLOSE SECOND: Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill 
BUSINESS SUCCESS: The Ultimate Sales Machine by Chet Holmes. Don’t let the title fool you. This book is about SO much more than business. Chet takes on training, hiring, sales, marketing…and does so with such simple, effective advice, I wondered why I hadn’t thought of his ideas before. I go back to this book again and again and refer it often to others. CLOSE SECOND: No B.S. Ruthless Management of People and Profits by Dan Kennedy 
SPIRITUAL: The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield. This was the first “spiritual” book I had ever read after being raised in a fundamental religion. The concept of the law of attraction (way before The Secret was ever heard of!) was fascinating to me. I liked the self-responsibility inherent in this belief. Heaven or Hell wasn’t so much a location as a place we create for ourselves right here on Earth. Also intriguing was the thought that what is required to “save the world” from angry, destructive forces is a collective awakening. CLOSE SECOND: The Secret by Rhonda Byrne

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