Over the past few months, Chris and I have been attending local events for women business owners. We have heard at several of them, when reviewing the “mission” of the group, that they are not a “selling-organization.” They are for support, sharing of ideas and best practices, etc.
After observing what happens at these groups, please forgive me if I say “ARE YOU FRIGGIN’ KIDDING ME?”
**Warning** major rant ahead…
First of all, many of the women in these rooms are broke. I know because I’ve sat down with them to discuss their businesses. They are barely scraping by. Second of all, women already have a reluctance to sell (discussed more in the article below) and now they are being told these groups are for support – not selling?
I admit when I was a struggling business owner, it did feel good to find out that others were in the same boat as me. What it did NOT do was help me grow my business!
But it wasn’t until I started hanging around successful business owners – people who were where I wanted to be – that my business started to change.
If you’re tired of struggling in business, and even more tired of talking about it, then it’s time to do something different. Join us over at http://www.myincome180.com/ for a new approach to growing a business – rapidly!